Institutional Platforms
Driven by auto enrolment, an increase in the number of Trust based pensions and Master Trusts has seen a change in the Institutional Investment Platform (IIP) market place. Previously dominated by life companies, the trust wrapper now provides greater opportunity for other providers to deliver solutions to this market. Both pre and post retirement solutions can be delivered without the constraints imposed on life companies for permitted links delivering enhanced liquidity options to the fund structures being offered.
For many Trustees, it is important to leverage the assets within their defined benefit scheme when building fund solutions. This allows for cost reductions to be leveraged in order to meet the fee cap limits imposed on default funds.
For platform providers it is important that their systems provide the flexibility and scalability that deliver the demands now being imposed by the move to defined contribution pensions in a cost effective manner.
We believe that Aerice are uniquely placed to support all your IIP needs due to our unparalleled experience in this market place. Our experts designed, managed, and marketed what is now recognised by many as the market leading IIP platform.
We provided design advice to the leading software providers in this space, giving us insight to their capabilities and the strengths and weaknesses of their software. We know the solution providers, incorporating Life Companies and Third Party Administrators, and have a detailed understanding of their platforms and the capabilities they can deliver.
Whether you are a new entrant into the IIP market place, an existing platform provider looking how best to enhance your proposition, are Trustees looking for the most appropriate IIP for their fund proposition, or a software provider looking at how to enhance your proposition, Aerice has the expertise to help you.
Our unique approach ensures you get the right results swiftly and in a sustainable manner. Please get in touch to find out more or to arrange an initial conversation.
Institutional Platforms Case Studies
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